Baby is this big!

 BabyFruit Ticker

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eggplant baby!

Exciting things are happening around this time. In a few days, our little girl, Kivrin, will be able to breath air. We had another ultrasound on the 4th. The technician asked us who had the long legs because Kivrin's legs are two weeks more developed than the rest of her body! We've been saying since day one: Ninja (regular or Ninja Turtle) or dancer.

Kivrin is the size of an eggplant now, and she really only has about 3 more months. Insane, right?  Spring will be sprung, Kivi will be born, and I (Ben) will be (hopefully) graduated and be looking for a job. A lot of huzzah to be handled in that sentence, I know, but we had to share.

On Monday, we will have our 4-D appointment. In this appointment, if Kivi cooperates, we will get to see what she will look like when she is actually born. If you have never seen the 4-D of a baby, go here because it is awesome!

Love to you all, we will have those 4-D up as soon as we have them!

Ella, Ben, Kivrin and the Puppies

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Halfway There!

I'm twenty weeks (by most standards) and therefore, halfway through my pregnancy!  I found a really cool series of 2 min. videos that take a look at what's happening with baby inside the womb as he/she develops into the littler person, check it out if you want to see something cool.
The 15 to 20 weeks are things our baby has just experienced/is currently experiencing.  Also, there's one called "boy or girl?" that looks at how genitalia develops throughout the pregnancy.  It's amazing to think that when we womenfolk are born, we have inside us all the eggs we will ever have...when Mr. Burns told us that in Honors Bio in high school I about locked myself in a tall tower so that I didn't mess up and destroy the few non-crazyperson eggs I had!  Later, I came to realize that they were all crazy person eggs and I just needed to come to terms with that....

Also, you can become a "follower" of this blog and get notified when there's been a new post etc.  if ya want....

Love all!

Monday, December 6, 2010

It's the Opening Post... It Doesn't Have a Title NO!

Ben here, telling you that this is the opening post... huzzah! 19 weeks along already, the baby is the size of a mango and it is almost time to find out if we have a mango-sized boy or girl in there. We cannot wait and I know many of you can't either.

Ella and I will be posting together and separately so you will be following the pregnancy from all angles! Enjoy, we love you!